I’ve been looking into the word “Keystone” quite a bit recently. Found some interesting things, noticed some very unusual internet behaviour too! Such as doing a keyword search and getting 28 pages of results only to find that the next day the exact same keyword search brought back just TWO pages of results.! I can only imagine as to why!

I was watching “The Dark Tower” the other evening and the term “Keystone Earth” came up. The Dark Tower is a series written by Stephen King (who kinda has a dark side all of his own) where Keystone Earth is the universe which readers would recognize as “the real world.” Effectively, there are teleportation portals that certain people are able to use in order to go to one planet or another. It appears that Earth, as we know it, is an illusion created to keep a particular type of person captive upon it whilst allowing them to think they’re free! I’d need to read/watch more in order to get a fuller detailed idea of what’s going on but that was what jumped out at me from what I saw and the description given. It’s a multiverse type of affair anyway..

So what’s a keystone?

A keystone is a particularly shaped stone, usually at the top of an arch that stops all the other stones from collapsing. Commonly found above doorways. It’s almost a V shape but with a flat bottom, but its form is quite distinct. Also notice how the arch is a semi circle. This circular shape seems to play a part in all of this too!

An example of a keystone

This got me thinking. I knew I’d seen this shape before on a certain device, albeit in a movie but sometimes the truth is portrayed to us through movies in order to “set us up” for the reality when “they” feel it’s time to release that info!

Stargate was the movie. In it we see this huge circular device with several “keystones” that dial a destination for you to teleport to.

Several Keystones located around the circular “gate”

So the search continued and I found some rather interesting things. The term Keystone and teleporter comes up quite a lot in RPG games. Often, the mission is to obtain a keystone in order to operate a portal/teleporter.

A few examples;

21 Apr 2021 NEW Keystone Hero: Plaguefall Complete Plaguefall at Mythic Level 20 or higher, within the time limit. Reward: Teleport to Plaguefall. https://ptr.wowhead.com/news/dungeon-teleports-cm-ports-return-for-completing-each-20-mythic-dungeon-in-time-321980

Shadowlands Keystone Hero · All Mythic 20+ keys completed in timer. · 8 x Feats of Strength achievements: · Personal teleport to every SL dungeon in your spellbook … https://boosthive.eu/service/keystone-hero

Teleport (Area 52) ❮Atlas❯ – 60 Blood Elf Frost Mage, 222 ilvl. … Mythic Keystone Dungeons Seasonal Activity. Shadowlands Season 2. https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/character/us/area-52/teleport/pve/mythic

Interesting, yes? There are more, but no point in listing them all. But why the interest in a keystone for a teleporter? Was it the fault of the Stargate design? Or have we been seeing this shape before and didn’t realise it was being programmed into our minds by TV, movies, advertising and social media platforms?

Some of the Teleporters in Star Trek have had their designs changed over the years but most now appear to contain a circle with keystone shapes

Then there is the movie “The Fly” where we see Seth Brundle enter a circular pod that’s also keystone shaped. But here we see a double keystone, one on top of the other or “mirrored” (as above so below) Even the door of the pod is keystone shaped.

This new shape is also appearing on clothing! Here’s an example that shows a swirly loop at the top, and arrow pointing down to a paerson inside a double keystone shape then another down arrow to another swirly loop! For more examples, check this lot out, https://www.redbubble.com/shop/teleportation+clothing

That swirly loop immediately reminded me of something else I’d seen many years ago. Ever watched the “Twighlight Zone“? Here we see the big swirly loop that the travelers would enter/exit from along with a doorway (keystone) an all seeing eye with a time piece showing more keystone shapes. this does appear to be a more modern version of this image but there are others with doors etc.

Stay with me, we’re nearly there!

I could not forget to include a rather famous, and kinda “important at this point”, movie that was described by Roddy Piper as being more of a documentary than a movie! “They Live

Basically, some Human/alien hybrid beings use teleporters to come and go to Earth as they please whilst controlling all of us, running the show, getting rich and enjoying the “priveleges” they feel they deserve! Here is the scene where the teleporter is discovered and we see more circular/keystone shapes. The platform of the teleporter, the window and the back of the satellite dish. The entire TP platform looks like a keyhole awaiting a key!!

And here comes the crunch!

you’d think that by using a keyword search of “keystone teleporter” wouldn’t bring up anything of any real world relevance. I certainly didn’t think it would but was worth the try. Lo and behold, what did I find?

The “World Teleport Association” web page.. https://www.worldteleport.org/page/Technology It is PACKED with info that generally sounds as though they’re talking about satellite technology and the transmission of data. With links and info on sponsors and other businesses they work with and its members list is quite extensive!

But it was these words that really caught my eye.

“At the core of our membership are the world’s most innovative operators of teleports, from independents to multinationals, niche service providers to global hybrid carriers.” https://www.worldteleport.org/page/Members

What sort of “niche” service would require a teleporter? Human traficking? Illegal activities? Drug running? Going to another planet?

And Hybrids too! Was the movie “They Live” truly a documentary? Some people believe there are many hybrids hiding out on Earth and walking amongst us everyday

They even have a MAP of all their Global Teleports https://www.worldteleport.org/page/MAP

The word Keystone doesn’t just end there. I’ve found a few links to this word, above is one of them, and to finish this page off, here is another “Keystone species”. A keystone species is a species that has a disproportionately large impact on its environment – they hold ecosystems together and support biodiversity. Purple Sea Stars were the first recognised keystone species. https://www.clientearth.org/latest/latest-updates/stories/what-are-keystone-species/ and people wonder why so many of us are deeply concerned about bee colonies and the effects of 5G technology!!